
CEO Mike Schaffer, of the Echo Factory in Pasadena, Discusses the Keys to Measuring the Success of Advertising Campaigns.

CEO Success Stories

From the Corner Office interviewer, Jackie Kibler speaks with Mike Schaffer about some very important keys to measuring the success of Advertising campaigns for your clients.

A long-term branding strategy should go hand-in-hand with a return on investment to measure the success of a good advertising campaign.

When measuring the success of Ad Campaigns and Marketing,  it’s easier now than it’s ever been to look at data and make data-driven decisions. Google Analytics is the main source that not only we, but a lot of companies use to study this success. Open rates for web traffic coming in, conversion rates from people visiting websites, clicking on an ad or calling in by phone, and tracking are also very important factors.

When looking at your social media reports and the engagement around you, you may have hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram or Twitter or even Facebook, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the ad campaign was successful. You have to look at the engagement radar such as people commenting and liking and being active participants with your brand, and that will tell you more about how people feel about your brand and if what you are doing is working.

episode 6 – interview with:
Mike Schaffer
CEO, Echo Factory
Pasadena, CA

From the Corner Office - CEO Success Stories

Produced by Gail Schaper-Gordon, Ph.D.
Interview by Jackie Kibler



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