jason busch

Jason Busch, CEO of Tire Stickers, discusses the importance of finding a business partner that possesses a complementary skill set because it is these combined skills that will help the growth and success of your business.

CEO Success Stories

From the Corner Office interviewer Jackie Kibler speaks with Jason Busch, CEO of Tire Stickers, about finding the right business partner with complementary skill sets, and how expanding product reach and licensing agreements to a broader market will help Tire Stickers maintain their longevity in the market.

By expanding their licensing portfolio to encompass a broader clientele such as sports teams and lifestyle brands, Tire Stickers will be able to hit the mass market outside of their niche, allowing them to grow exponentially over the years and maintain a strong hold within the market.

In partnering with a lifelong friend, complementary skill sets and team effort helped build Tire Stickers into the business it is today. Tire Stickers is a company that creates stickers that go on your tires and say anything that you want, in any color you want and most any design. If you can design it on a computer, you can create stickers for the tire of your car. All the products come as a “do it yourself kit” and you go online, place your order and install the stickers yourself at home or in your garage. Because these stickers have to endure all kinds of weather outdoor elements, environments and basically take a beating, they are designed to be extremely durable and will last the lifetime of the tire.

If there’s one thing to point out and encourage someone to do when bringing on a partner in a business venture, it’s to bring on someone you trust, who has different skills than you, and together you can form a whole that works. Over the years the company has seen a lot of changes in the business landscape. Now tire companies recognize the importance of branding and marketing is getting their brand out there, both in the professional landscape and in the commercial landscape. By expanding their products and furthering their licensing agreements to include lifestyle brands, Tire Stickers can expand their longevity in the market. One of the best pieces of advice Jason received and would pass onto others when it comes to decision making is to take a deep breath, sleep on it, and get all the facts before making any big decisions. That way you are making smart decisions rather than rushing and making impulsive, uninformed decisions. One of the biggest challenges Jason has faced since starting his business is handling employees;  finding the right ones, guiding them, managing them and working with them. The important thing to remember whether you are dealing with employees or customers is to listen, evaluate, and determine what you can do better to turn a challenging customer or employee into a happy one. A person’s character and enthusiasm, as well as an ability to wear multiple hats and work hard is important to the synergy of the company and ultimately the ideal employee that will thrive.

interview with
Jason Busch
Tire Stickers

From the Corner Office - CEO Success Stories

Produced by Gail Schaper-Gordon
Interview by Jackie Kibler



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