
How Developing a Diverse Economy Helps Create More Jobs and a Higher Level of Workforce Recruitment, with Eric Duyshart & Jeff Allred.

CEO Success Stories

From the Corner Office interviewer, Jackie Kibler speaks with Eric Duyshart and Jeff Allred about how diverse economies make Pasadena & the San Gabriel Valley desirable for both job growth and high-level workforce recruitment.

Promoting investment in a community also involves understanding the workforce recruitment needs of the businesses in the area so that City Hall can be responsive.

Economic Development Division Manager for the City of Pasadena, Eric Duyshart and President & CEO of the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, Jeff Allred, talk about the burgeoning business and job opportunities in their regions and how developing a diverse economy can create more jobs.

With a 40 year career in local government, Jeff brings substantial experience to the table to work on a regional basis for the community, while Eric’s organization acts as a liaison between numerous organizations and local businesses on an investment level.  There are many highlights and challenges to influencing community cultures that have arisen as they developed their local economies. Being home to such important institutions as Pasadena’s BioScience Collab, CalTech, Art Center, and numerous academic Institutions, Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley are well-positioned for attracting skilled, mid-level management and career-minded individuals. Workforce development and training are of the utmost importance to job growth, and job seekers must remember to foster their soft skills as well as their technical skills.

In addition to an already strong Healthcare presence, rising trends in manufacturing, engineering, education, and financial institutions make these cities’ diverse economies desirable for both job growth and high-level workforce recruitment.

interviews with:
Eric Duyshart
Economic Development Division Manager
City of Pasadena

Jeff Allred
President & CEO
San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership

From the Corner Office - CEO Success Stories

Produced by Gail Schaper-Gordon, Ph.D.
Interview by Jackie Kibler



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